Dry Food

"Dry foods sold at supermarkets, pet shops and vets etc. even the more expensive brands are not suitable for the maintenance of life-long good health of your dog. The up-market brands promoted at dog shows and in dog magazines etc. are equally unsuitable. The reasons are extensive, but briefly stated they are as follows:"

Dry food is usually 80% to 90% grain (or more) and this is not the correct balance for dogs. The canine digestive system is not equipped to cope with such large amounts of grain. A diet of 60% to 75% raw bones is more appropriate. The remainder should be made up of raw vegetables and other things such as meat, liver, heart, fish, eggs etc.

- COOKED GRAIN is an alien food. How many dogs, wolves and

foxes have you seen cooking their food?

Grains are acidic and cause skin problems.

Dry foods are low in essential oils particularly the Omega group and dry skin and coat is common. Poor condition of the skin and coat encourages infestation by fleas and the latter often transport the larvae for intestinal worms.

Although dry food contains many good ingredients much of this goodness is destroyed in the cooking process.

The basis of most dry foods is COOKED grains and crushed bone meal. Whilst they usually contain sufficient amounts of calcium, when the bone meal is cooked together with all those other ingredients (including added vitamin & mineral supplements) the greater part of the calcium combines with other minerals and substances in the food turning it to a form the dog’s body is unable to absorb.

  There is plenty of Calcium in dry food but the dog’s system cannot process it.

This is not the end of the matter, for when the calcium in the dry food combines with other elements the dog’s body is robbed of zinc, selenium, silica and many other essential trace elements particularly those required for a healthy skin, coat and the development of good quality cartilage and strong bone.

Therefore, if you use dry food, you will need to give supplements and too much can do as much damage as not enough.

Further, most Calcium supplements come in the form of Calcium Carbonate when what is required is extra Calcium Flouride to strengthen cartilage and connective tissue. Over calcification caused by Calcium Carbonate has an aging and damaging effect on the dog’s body, in particular, the skeletal system.

There are brands of dry food that claim no added Calcium is required. This is difficult to believe considering Calcium requirements vary so greatly from one dog to the next depending on the dog’s constitution, metabolism, age and state of health.

Many valuable vitamins are lost or destroyed in the heating process. Still more vitamins are lost in storage.

Animal fats, oils etc, containing Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are destroyed in the cooking process. (These are sometimes referred to as vitamin F or polyunsaturates) They are essential for skin and hair and useful in the prevention of arthritis and eczema. The two basic categories of essential fatty acids are OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. Heat destroys fatty acids resulting in the creation of dangerous free radicals capable of turning cells cancerous.

EFAs are involved with the transmission of nerve impulses and are required for the normal development and functioning of the brain. A deficiency can lead to impaired ability to learn and recall information. Fatty acids are also involved in rebuilding and producing new cells throughout the body.

Most dry foods contain preservatives, flavour enhancers and colouring. The flavour enhancers are designed to appeal to the dog’s palate. Owners are inclined to give more of what their dog enjoys the most. Some companies claim THEY have added no preservatives etc. This may be true but frequently, the ingredients THEY use already have these things added by suppliers.

Still other companies claim their product is superior because it is based on rice. However, rice is still a grain and as such is a carbohydrate equally unsuited to the digestive system of the dog.

Frequently, dogs fed on dry food show no signs of ill health until they are around 3 to 7 years of age. At this point, and depending on the constitution and robustness of the animal, the dog’s body can no longer cope with the constant assault of free radicals, chemicals and preservatives etc. and cancer may develop or skin problems due to the build up of acid in the system. Bitches may begin to have low fertility and problems in giving birth; uterine infections etc. Those are the three major problems that tend to occur. This time lapse is a trap because it is not always possible to completely correct a problem that has been developing (but slowly) for such a long time. Nonetheless, a change to All Raw and Natural will greatly assist and in some instances may completely cure.



“Give Your Dog A Bone”


“Grow Your Pups With Bones”

by Dr. Ian Billinghurst


“The Complete Herbal Handbook for The Dog & Cat”

By Juliette de Bairacli Levy


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