Dietry Information

"The art of good feeding is to give a variety of food types but not all at the same time."

"For most of the time my dogs are fed vegetables with various types of meat or offal added but on every third day the meal will consist of bones only. This can be varied to suit the lifestyle. If there's no time to prepare the vegetable meal then bones can be fed on that day."

"Nevertheless, there are certain things that should be, as far as possible, part of the everyday diet. These essential elements are:"



(A supplement to the Bozeeb All Raw Diet Chart)

ALFALFA is one of the most nutrient rich foods available. It has roots that can grow up to 130 feet into the earth! It is a source of chlorophyll, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and all known vitamins. The minerals are in balanced form which promotes absorption. The latter are alkaline, but have a neutralizing effect on the intestinal tract.
Alfalfa’s ability to neutralize acid can be of assistance in arthritic conditions and for the prevention of mastitis.

high in protein and carbohydrates. It contains the B group of vitamins and is, in fact, one of the riches sources of this vitamin. It also contains a form of CHROMIUM known as glucose tolerance factor GTF. The latter assists in maintaining correct sugar levels in the blood. It is therefore of assistance for the efficient functioning of the pancreas and consequently assists in the prevention of diabetes.

Selenium is another valuable component of Brewers Yeast. This anti-oxidant protects cells from cancer, heart disease and stroke. It maintains the elasticity of the muscles and tissues and assists the immune system.

Brewers Yeast contains sixteen amino acids and approximately fourteen different minerals. It is high in phosphorus and protein.

It should not be confused with Baker’s Yeast which should be avoided because live yeast cells deplete the body of B vitamins and other nutrients. In nutritional yeast (another name for Brewers Yeast) the live cells are no longer present and only the beneficial nutrients remain.

Good for eczema, heart disorders, nervousness and fatigue and enhances the immune system.

A level tablespoon daily of Brewers Yeast prevents uterine and vaginal infections in bitches of all ages.

Just as a matter of interest, Brewers Yeast is also available in tablet form and 2000 milligrams daily will prevent thrush and urinal tract infections in humans.

CALCIUM FLOURIDE is as important to correct bone development as Calcium Carbonate. It forms part of connective tissue, cartilage etc. It helps create firm pasterns and strong teeth.

contains high amounts of vitamin A and D and these are essential elements for strong bone growth. One teaspoon a day with food should be given.
Also contains particularly Vitamins A and D which are essential for calcium absorption. It also promotes a healthy shiny coat and prevents dryness of the skin. Dry skin can lead to itching and secondary fungal infections. The dog bites and scratches and creates an opportunity for fungal type bacteria to invade the skin.

is basically a form of calcium, but with the added advantage of having many other essential minerals and trace elements as part of its natural form. I raise my litters without using commercial (or any unnatural) form of calcium. The over use of particularly Calcium Carbonate is a major cause of bone problems and over calcification. It is better to rely on pups absorbing the correct amount of calcium from raw bones and vegetables. It is a much safer method.

When a puppy is “down in pastern” Calcium Flouride is the correct form of Calcium to use. Unfortunately, most people give extra Calcium Carbonate and consequently the problem with the pasterns becomes an ongoing issue. The poor state of the feet and pastern reflects an overall deficiency in the skeletal structure, particularly the connective tissue.

EGGS given two or three times a week ensures a soft, healthy lustrous coat. Eggs are high in particularly Vitamin E (an anti-oxidant) which is essential for the health of skin and coat.

GARLIC has many health benefits too numerous to mention here. Its’ greatest benefit is in the prevention of fleas and worms and the way this works is twofold.

Worms attach themselves to the mucus buildup on the lining of the intestine. One or two cloves of Garlic per day will remove the mucus and worms are expelled. The Garlic if administered daily maintains the health of the intestine preventing re-infestation.

Dogs with worms have dry coats and skin and a sunken look around the loins. A heavy burden of parasites robs them of essential nutrients. Fleas thrive on an unhealthy body. Once the infestation is gone a healthy skin and coat repels invasion by fleas.

Garlic must be freshly crushed and added to the food.

*I have fed garlic to my pups and older dogs since 1994. One or two cloves of garlic added to the daily food ration of a 25 to 35 kilogram German Shepherd is okay. For puppies I make up the meals in bulk: 10kg of minced chicken carcasses with minced vegetables added (as per the "Bozeeb Puppy Diet") and 3 garlic bulbs. Veterinarians have recently spread some alarm amongst the canine fraternity with claims that garlic can lead to aenemia in our dogs. Over the years, I have not found this to be a problem. However, like many other things in life, a little bit is good but more is sometimes not likely to be better. An example of this (pertaining to the human kind): too much alocohol destroys the liver, but it is not as well known that in naturopathic practice, alcohol is actually a medicine, in small amounts (perhaps a nip of whiskey per day) it stimulates the liver into optimum function causing it to work more efficiently. I therefore suspect that our dogs would have to be drastically overdosed with garlic before any side effects became evident. Personally, with common sense prevailing (moderation in all things) I have NEVER observed or heard of these symptoms in any of my Bozeeb Dogs.

HEART a good source of protein B groups and iron but not rich in fatty acids or Vitamin A.

HONEY is okay occasionally. Make certain it is cold extracted and not subject to heat. Heat destroys most of the benefits of honey and unfortunately most of our modern brands are heat extracted.

IODINE (contained in kelp powder) is necessary for the efficient functioning of the Thyroid (the master hormone control centre of the body) and is not available in sufficient quantities in most other foods.

is a type of seaweed and comes in powder, granule and tablet form. Itcontains iodine and other essential trace elements, minerals and vitamins, particularly the B group.

KIDNEY the same can be said for the nutritional value of this food (See Liver) except that it contains high levels of iron and useful levels of zinc.

should be fed once or twice a week. Liver is an excellent source of Vitamin A. It also contains E, D and the anti-aging vitamin K., the B group, including B12, Vitamin C, protein and essential fatty acids both the Omega 3 and Omega 6 type and is a good source of a wide range of nutrients. However, it should not be fed all the time because phosphorus levels can interfere with Calcium absorption.

SARDINES etc Are a rich source of vitamin A, D and Calcium. They can be fed once or twice a week. Note that most tinned foods contain salt which is bad for the kidneys. Therefore fresh is better but harder to get and usually dearer.

Fish, in general, is a very useful food with many nutritional benefits.

SELENIUM ( See also Brewers Yeast). Selenium is found in celery, onions, radishes, broccoli, cucumbers, garlic, eggs, mushroom, seafood, liver, kidneys and whole grains. Selenium is destroyed by cooking and modern processing methods. It is frequently one of the ingredients missing from commercial dry food.

aids in Calcium absorption particularly when working in conjunction with Calcium Flouride. It is helpful in ridding the body of toxins such as the build up of uric acid in the joints that may lead to arthritic conditions. It is a natural conditioner and cleanser and is useful in the healing of skin conditions and aids the production of healthy coat.

TORULA YEAST is basically the same as Brewers Yeast except it contains Vitamin B12 which is missing from Brewers Yeast. Both forms of yeast are suitable. However, I prefer the Brewers Yeast for my own dogs.

WHEAT GERM OIL can be used as an alternative to eggs, or in conjunction with them. It is also high in Vitamin E and therefore ensures excellent skin condition particularly a healthy shine.

YOGHURT is another safe and very beneficial food to add to your dog’s diet. Make sure it is plain yoghurt with the living culture present. It assists in maintaining the correct bacterial balance in the dog’s bowel and therefore aids digestion and general wellbeing.

It is a good idea to feed plain yoghurt after your dog has been on antibiotics. The latter destroys the bacterial balance of the intestine and the yoghurt will help restore this balance. For this reason it is useful for young pups and orphaned pups.

Nevertheless, if you follow the Bozeeb diet chart the occasions when your dog requires antibiotics should be rare!

ZINC is another important mineral present in Kelp. It is essential for calcium absorption, the maintenance of healthy skin and reproduction.


(The list above may be updated from time to time)

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