Why should I buy from a Registered Breeder?


Would you believe, this is a question I get all the time??   There are so many reasons I could give you, but often nothing teaches you like previous experience! Even I have been the victim of buying from a shonky breeder in my earlier years.  In my 14 years experience as a vet nurse, I've seen proud new owners arrive with their 'bargain' pet, only to find it had terrible subclinical conditions, infectious diseases, debilitating physical abnormalities and behavioural or social problems.  These result in  dreadfully unhappy endings, unnecessary costs and broken hearts......

So what do I get??

Your kitten comes with....

Altogether, you can see that upwards of $300-400 is already personally spent on your kitten before you even get it!

This doesn't include several other essential things...

Why you shouldn't buy a kitten from an unregistered breeder.....

Tell me, if you take all this into consideration, why would anyone consider not buying from a Registered Ragdoll Breeder?

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